60 Years of Being Awesome! Best Exercise for Seniors, Staying Fit at Any Age Although there is no general agreement on the age at which a person become elder, people with 60 years or older is defined as elderly.

What is the Perception of Elderly in Modern Society?

Some seniors are still in good health, good brain and active for the workforce. The factors of active aging include:
- Health prevention awareness
- Good medical attention

However, the best tip of enjoying good health at any age is “exercise”.

What are Benefits of Exercise for the Elderly?

Exercise, as we already know, can improve an effectiveness of respiratory system, heart function, and blood flow.

Let’s Enjoy Your Exercise!

1. Physical Activity The physical activities include physical education, tai chi and yoga.
These activities are low impact workouts and joint-friendly. The posture and movement allow your joints and back to bend and straighten effectively.

2. Non-Combat Sport You can balance your performance during the game and shall play with player in the same age group.

3. Treat Your Hobby Like An Exercise Planting, gardening and yard care are unique forms of exercise that allow you to do something calming and fun.

Health Challenges in Older Age

1. Senior people with knee problem should avoid the exercises that have impacts on knees and back.

2. The older age people can enjoy with low-impact workout or exercise with machine assistance.

3. Consult your doctor about advantages and disadvantages of different types of exercise.

Read More >> http://bit.ly/2PhNU6v

Thank you for the information from Bangkok Health Research Center, Bangkok Dusit Medical Services PLC.